André Villers was born in 1930 in Beaucourt, territory of Belfort, in France. Hospitalized at the age of 17 for decalcification, he spent 8 years in a sanatorium in Vallauris, during which he was bedridden for 5 years. Upon being able to use his legs in 1951, he took his first photography classes. In 1953 he met Picasso who offered him his first Rolleiflex. From then on he startedd a true photography career. In 1957 he started exhibiting worldwide. In 1958 he worked in a close collaboration with Picasso. From this collaboration a few years later, came the collection of texts Diurnes Written by Prévert and edited by Bergruen. He met great artists like Magnelli, Hartung, whom he captured the portraits of. He also devoted time to personal research that helped him discover an alternative way of producing photography, In 1966 the shadows of sculpture of Giacometti helped Aragon illustrate his Laureamont. In 1976 he worked with folding cigarette-rolling paper and released a book with text by Michel Butor. Pliage d’Ombres. Together they also created an original series Bouteille de Survie with photos and manuscripts. These creative experiences show us the artistic possibilities that photography can offer this poetry and freedom passionate photographer.